Thursday, October 15, 2020

15 Favorite Horror Movies: The Orphanage (2007)

The Spanish-language El Orfanato was directed by JA Bayona, but it was executive producer Guillermo del Toro's name who sold it to viewers in the United States. It was also helpful that it came out almost exactly a year after the also Spanish-language Pan's Labyrinth. I remember hoping at the time that del Toro would make it an annual habit to curate and present additional Spanish horror films.

I actually like The Orphanage a bit better even than Pan's Labyrinth. The creepy building, the kid in the scarecrow mask, the gripping mystery, and the generally spooky, gothic atmosphere are all my brand of poison. And then there's the powerful conclusion that puts everything together in a gut-wrenching, but satisfying way.

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