Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Meet Michael May: Indy Comic Book Week at the Source

I think I've met most of the local readers of this blog, but in case I haven't (or even if I have, since I'd love to meet you again), there's another opportunity coming up on Wednesday, December 30th at Source Comics and Games.

Since Diamond Distribution is taking the week off and not shipping any new comics, the Source (along with a bunch of other comics folks nationwide) is declaring it Indy Comic Book Week. They'll have a bunch of local indy writers and artists there to sign their stuff and Jessica Hickman and I will be amongst them. Jess and I won't be able to get there until around 4:00 pm, but if you're in the area we'd love to meet you. I hear rumors about food being served as well. Should be a lot of fun.

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