Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Writing update | Monsters killed; girl needs jungle

Just a quick writing update today. Last week I finished the first draft of the complete script for Kill All Monsters. Or for the first volume of Kill All Monsters, anyway. I'm not saying whether or not the Kill Team succeeds in its mission to take out all the monsters, but I will say that there's definitely room for a sequel if the first book does well. That first book is a complete story though, with a definite end, and that end is now written. That's a huge deal for me.

Our editor, James Powell is looking over the draft and there will be rewriting, but in the meantime, I'm able to move on to others things. I have four projects in the queue and the first is a short text story for a jungle girl anthology. I don't want to say what it's about yet, but I will say that the book's editor sent me the above Alberto Vargas painting with a note that it reminded him of my story. And I can totally see why.

1 comment:

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Happy to see such a great person living the dream. All your hard work is going to pay off. I look forward to the final result.


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