Friday, February 08, 2008

The Eye (2008)

Very faithful to the original, which is to say that all the chills and the mystery were ruined for me. There were some nice bits about Jessica Alba's trying to adjust to having sight (it's not as easy as it sounds) and I'd actually love to see a non-genre movie that focused on that. There were also some nice bits about Jessica Alba's walking around in her underwear. Other than that it was pretty blah.

The guy who plays her therapist is a jerk in the first half of the movie and suddenly becomes Mr. Nice Guy during the second half for no plausible reason. I much more liked the guy in the original who was obviously -- but quietly -- in love with the heroine. It makes a lot more sense when he's torn about helping her identify her donor, but does it anyway against his better judgment.

At least that's how I remember it, but I haven't seen the original since it was in theaters. I also don't remember being that thrilled with the original, so watching this one was probably a doomed exercise from the beginning. There's an interesting mystery, but though the resolution makes sense, it's anti-climactic. It takes the story's focus off the main character and puts it on the eye donor whom we haven't connected with at all.

In short, it's not scary enough to be a horror movie or well-written enough to be a good mystery.

Two out of five floating elevator ghosts.

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