Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Who's In It: Jack Sparrow, Wednesday Addams, Rita Skeeter, Dumbledore, Tarzan, Ed Rooney, Uncle Vernon, Emperor Palpatine, Alfred Pennyworth, Max Zorin, Darth Maul, and Saruman.

What It's About: A loose adaptation of Washington Irving's story with Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) as a detective instead of a schoolteacher.

How It Is: I loved this in 1999, but that's when Burton was still a director I trusted and cut a lot of slack. I was nervous to rewatch it considering my feelings about most of Burton's recent work, but it turns out that I still love it. He took one of my favorite stories and made it even better with his gothic, fog-shrouded sensibilities, a strong mystery, some great action set pieces, and more nerd-favorite actors than you can throw a pumpkin at. I honestly don't have a bad thing to say about it, so I'll save you a couple of paragraphs of me just gushing and skip right to the...

Rating: Five out of five childlike charmers.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

How timely as I recorded the Halloween episode of the Geek Fallout podcast last night (the episode should be up on Friday) were we talked about our favorite monster movies. Co-host Derek Ash had quite a bit to say about this one, particularly its the real estate deal subplot.

Paxton said...

Yeah, I still love this movie too. The gothic atmosphere, the quirky performances. It's just fun and SOOOOOOO Tim Burton.


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