Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gamora: Guardians of the Galaxy #2

Gamora doesn't get much spotlight in Guardians of the Galaxy #2, but she does have one good line that's worth sharing. The issue's about finding Vance Astro in block of frozen time. I don't know how frozen time works either, but Vance is stuck in some and the Guardians rescue him from it.

If you don't know, Vance is sort of a futuristic Captain America. He carries Cap's shield and everything. Of course the coincidence between rescuing him from frozen time and the Avengers' rescuing the real Cap from an iceberg at their team's formation isn't lost on the Guardians.

Like I said last time, Adam Warlock has always bothered me with his mystic mumbo jumbo, but Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning have somehow figured out how to keep that element of him intact while still making it cool.

"Sometimes it rhymes." Heh.

Gamora has a similar reaction.

I love that line. And I love how Paul Pelletier draws her in the panel. Gamora's usually slinging her sword around or glowering at people. I'm not going to say she looks vulnerable here, but by putting her hair in her face and having her look off panel at nothing, he makes her a lot less confident. Like she's a bit unsettled by her feelings. That's really tricky to do without softening or weakening her and Pelletier pulled it off nicely.

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