Wednesday, May 31, 2006

To Buy: The Book of the Dead

Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child's new book came out yesterday. I have a lot of catching up to do on their stuff before I'm ready to read it, but I loved The Relic and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of their stuff.

My understanding is that most of Preston/Child's books are self-contained, even though characters cross over from book to book. This one is the third volume of an honest-to-goodness trilogy though, featuring FBI agent Pendergast and the New York Museum of Natural History again in a story about Pendergast's violent rivalry with his brother.


RUDY said...

Look's great. I've heard ramblings about D. Preston and L. Child before because I'm a member at a myth and ancient forum. And with it on your blog, just confirms it. Guess I'll have to get them and read them.

Michael May said...

Start with THE RELIC. You won't be disappointed. :)

Anonymous said...

I love these guys, both together and when they venture out on their own. Their stuff usually is self-contained, but these last three books (BRIMSTONE, DANCE WITH DEATH and now THE BOOK OF THE DEAD) really should be read in order, because they read like one big book chopped into three pieces. BRIMSTONE and DANCE even end in big cliffhangers.

THE RELIC is a good entry point for newbies since it was their first book, but so is THE CABINET OF CURIOSITIES, which I highly recommend.

I can't wait to tear in to THE BOOK OF THE DEAD, but Mr. Mailman hasn't brought mine yet.

When they write on their own, it's always good work, too. Without hesitation, I recommend Child's UTOPIA and DEATH MATCH, and Preston's THE CODEX and TYRANNOSAUR CANYON.

Michael May said...

I'm aiming to read it ALL! :D

Glad to know that it stays as good.


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